The University of Southampton

PhD student shares experience of meeting with Nobel Prize winners

Back in June, we shared the great news about PhD student, Stephanie Chapman, who represented Southampton at the annual Nobel Laureate meeting in Germany. Stephanie was one of only 400 young international scientists selected to attend this prestigious meeting.

Stephanie (pictured right) enjoyed networking with fellow young scientists.

Stephanie was originally nominated by the Chemistry department, and her application was sent on to the Royal Society in London, who then selected her as one of the UK candidates, before the final selection stage by the Lindau Nobel Laureate committee.

Our Student Communications Team caught up with Stephanie to find out more about her exclusive experience, and what she learnt from the Nobel Prize winners:

“They only selected 400 applicants from all over the world so to be one of those 400 was just amazing. The presentations by the Nobel Laureates were just fantastic. It was really interesting to hear how they came up with their Nobel Prize winning research, often by chance!”

Find out more about Stephanie’s experience rubbing shoulders with Nobel Prize winners in our video interview below:

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