The University of Southampton

A message from the Vice-Chancellor on the University’s future plans

Dear students,

I want to update you on some changes that will start to happen in the University over the next year. I am sure that you are aware of the rapid pace of change in the external political and economic environment that affects universities across the world.

Our University is responding to this by proposing to make some changes to its structure and services. In all cases we intend these to benefit our student community.

Over the next few years you will see new developments across our campuses to provide improved facilities and better services, including upgraded IT systems. Some of you will have noticed that we are currently building a new centre for learning and teaching on Highfield Campus, with a lecture theatre, seminar and teaching rooms, independent study spaces, a computer suite and a café, due for completion in 2019.

We are also planning to change the shape of the University and propose to move from eight to five faculties in 2018/19, creating a more coherent grouping of our subjects, with improved student support in the faculties. I want to assure you that all the subjects you are familiar with will continue in the new faculties and there will be no disruption to your studies.

I have shared the plans for the new faculties in the latest All-Staff Address on Monday 13 November. The detailed plans for the new structure will be developed and discussed over the next nine months and you will find regular updates on SUSSED News.

It is likely that you may hear about changes affecting a small number of our staff as we restructure some of our activities in education, research and enterprise. Again, I assure you that our focus will remain on the quality of your education and experience in our University.

If you have any concerns, you would be welcome to contact the following email address: [email protected]

Best wishes,

Professor Sir Christopher Snowden
President and Vice-Chancellor

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