The University of Southampton

New Conflicts of Interest Policy and the Register of Interests Declaration

The University has updated its Conflicts of Interest Policy, which aims to protect both individual members of staff and the University from any potential reputational damage or other liabilities.

The University expects all staff to recognise any potential or actual conflict situations and disclose them appropriately. The Policy explains what is regarded as a conflict of interest by the University, and what procedure should be followed in situations when conflict or perceived conflict of interest arises.

The new Policy has been substantially rewritten in order to provide clarification, avoid duplication and to introduce necessary updates. The University community has been widely consulted about the Policy and it was ratified by the University Executive Board (UEB), the Senate and the Trade Unions. The new Policy is available here under Conflicts of Interests.

In line with the Conflicts of Interest Policy, all staff at Level 4 and above are required to complete a Register of Interests at the beginning of every academic year. The Register can be completed through MyHR Dashboard by clicking on the ‘Register of Interests’ link on the left-hand navigation tab. A null return (‘No Interest’) needs to be submitted if staff are not involved in any relevant external activities.

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