The University of Southampton

Future Worlds’ first appearance at a European trade show

Medical spinouts from the University’s Future Worlds network will be exhibiting their ground-breaking technologies at the BioFIT partnering event in Strasbourg, France, at the end of November.

BioFIT 2016 Images © Sébastien JARRY

This will be Future Worlds’ first appearance at a European trade show, offering an exclusive chance for the continent’s industry leaders to preview three medical innovations being supported by the University’s on-campus incubator:

  • Renovos is a new orthopaedic regenerative medicine business that offers a range of products, services and therapeutics for bone healing. The spinout, which is commercialising world-class research taking place at the University, harnesses nanoclay gel technology for quicker, safer and more cost-effective bone repair.
  • SharkStream is a full-body motion capture system, which allows users to accurately record and display movement without the need for a green screen or camera. Data fusion algorithms on each sensor combine accelerometer, gyroscope and magnetometer readings to report an accurate orientation of over a dozen nodes 100 times a second. SharkStream has applications in medical rehabilitation, as well as film making, performance sports and many other industries.
  • Trimunocor is a spinout from the University and the Medical Research Council. It’s combating neonatal chronic lung disease through a patented technology that synthetically produces large quantities of an essential anti-inflammatory protein. Its product will also be suitable for the asthma and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease markets, currently worth £30b annually.

BioFIT is the leading partnering event in Europe for technology transfer, academia-industry collaborations and early-stage innovations in the field of Life Sciences.

Check out Future Worlds’ Blog section on Wednesday 29 November and Thursday 20 November for daily updates from Future Worlds at BioFIT.

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