The University of Southampton

USS pension briefing for scheme members: Monday 18 December

The University has arranged for independent pension advisers, Mercer, to meet members of the Universities Superannuation Scheme (USS) and answer questions raised by the recent valuation of the scheme.

The briefing is on Monday 18 December 2017, Lecture Theatre A, Building 46, from 12:00 – 13:00.

To help the Pensions Department with numbers, please register your place on Eventbrite. Depending on the demand, further sessions may be arranged in the New Year. An FAQ document will be made available on the University’s Pensions web pages and on SUSSED after the event.

What will I find out at the Mercer briefing session?

Mercer, along with members of the Pensions Department, will explain how the valuation process works and who is involved in making decisions. They will also advise how USS members can get their own voice heard. Most importantly the sessions will give scheme members an opportunity to ask questions.

The Mercer pensions experts, who will run these sessions, work for the University of Southampton, not for USS, Universities UK (UUK) or University College Union (UCU).

Members of USS will receive an email about the briefing sessions from the Pensions Department.

For further information, please visit the USS website or contact the Pensions Department at the University.

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