The University of Southampton

Social Impact Leaders Speaker Series

The Social Impact Lab at the University is developing world-class social impact leadership among our students.

Elsa Marie D’Silva (on stage) addressing the Social Impact Lab speaker event

As part of their mission, they are committed to showcase different role models of global leadership that can inspire our students.

The Social Impact Lab was honoured to host Elsa Marie D’Silva (Founder and CEO of Red Dot Foundation) as the first speaker in the series this academic year, with a sell-out event at the Nuffield kitchen on 28 November.

Elsa Marie is an alumni of the Stanford Draper Hills Summer School, the US State Department’s Fortune Program and the Commonwealth Leadership Program. She is listed as one of BBC Hindi’s 100 Women. Recently she was awarded the Global Leadership Award by Vital Voices in the presence of Secretary Hillary Clinton.

The next speaker in the series is Fuad Mahamed who came to the UK as a refugee with no English and went on to obtain a first-class degree in Engineering from Bath University, followed by an MSc in Management from Lancaster Business School.

When Euro Hostels collapsed and started evicting people, he stepped in, setting up Ashley Community Housing in 2008 in order to support the resettlement of refugees like himself. This accommodation-based refugee resettlement service now spans across three cities, employs 60 people and settles 700 individuals a year.

Please book your tickets on Eventbrite early.

This speaker series has been generously supported by the friends, supporters and alumni of the University of Southampton.

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