The University of Southampton

Men’s Health Matters campaign a success

Health, Safety and Risk are celebrating a successful Men’s Health Matters campaign with more than 100 health MOTs carried out for men over 40 and positive feedback on the programme of events.

Left to right: Sam Quin with his signed Saints shirt and Ian Dunn


Ian Dunn, Chief Operating Officer and Mental Health Champion said:

“I’m delighted so many guys took the opportunity to have the Men’s MOT and having taken the test myself I can guarantee it’s a superb thing to do.

“I want to express my thanks to Sport and Wellbeing Supervisor, Jo Harvey, all of the Operational team and everybody who took part. For many of us it will be an hour incredibly well spent with truly long-term health and wellbeing benefits.”

“At least two people were prompted to visit their GP as a result of their MOT and many more have made healthy lifestyle changes. So we think it’s been very worthwhile.”

Below are just a few of the compliments received by the organisers following the campaign:

“…it is such a great opportunity and such a useful thing to do that anyone, no matter what level of fitness they have, can benefit from it. I have been telling quite a few of my friends who do not work at the University about it and they are very jealous!”

I really found the session useful, so thanks for supporting my health!’

“I found this MOT very useful and thank you for your time. I was impressed with the professional way it was run, I definitely got a lot from it. I would very much like to come again to see if I can improve my results. It has also given me a greater understanding of I what I need to concentrate on’.

Congratulations to Sam Quin from HR (pictured above) who was the lucky winner of the signed Saints shirt.

The five-a-side football matches are still continuing, the winners will receive tickets to a Saints match announced later.

In case you missed it, here is the lecture by Richard Frost, Employment Specialist from the NHS on ‘Keeping Well at Work’.

Fitness MOTs are still available to members of Sport and Wellbeing and cost £25.

There will be a similar campaign for women running in the New Year.

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