The University is celebrating the most recent in a series of spin out companies in the form of Renovos, an orthopaedic regenerative medicine company.

Founded by Professor Richard Oreffo, Dr Jon Dawson with Dr Agnieszka Janeczek and Mr James Otter, the company aims to be a leader in cross-functional orthopaedic services to provide regenerative solutions.
Medical and technological advances have led to a welcome increase in an individual’s life expectancy. However, increased ageing populations pose new challenges and emphasize the need for novel approaches to aid and repair tissues, such as bone, lost through damage or disease.
Renovos makes use of nonoclay technology, most commonly used in tablets, where clay particles control drug release through their ability to bind biological molecules.
The company will capture the opportunities offered by both an expanding research community and a bone repair market via a three-pronged approach,
i) new nanoclay technology to deliver bone healing agents to a fracture site in localised, more efficient and safer way
ii) supply of high-quality bone stem cells to researchers in academia, biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies
iii) research services using unique bone preclinical models to test novel orthopaedic drugs and materials
Professor Oreffo comments,
“Renovos offers a step change in bone repair approaches for orthopaedic regenerative medicine providing unique skeletal cell populations, regenerative assays, and proprietary cell and drug delivery technologies.”
For more information, please check the Renovos website.