The University of Southampton

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) – January update

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) comes into force on 25 May 2018 and the University GDPR Working Group, led by Professor Simon Cox (CIO), has been working towards compliance, building on the systems already in place under Data Protection Act (1998).

Icons used on GDPR sharepoint site

The University currently has a Working Group, comprising of over 40 members from across all areas of the organisation including Faculties, Legal, iSolutions, Professional Services and Academics. Price Waterhouse Coopers (PwC) undertook a GDPR ‘Gap Analysis and Readiness Assessment’ in September 2017 which helped to highlight the progress we have made and identify key areas of focus.

Last month the Working Group started the process of collating an Information Asset Register and mapping the flows of personal data around the organisation, they are currently reviewing over 200 submissions for the Register. This will help ensure that we are treating the data we hold in an appropriate and compliant way. It will also help us design systems and processes for the future as part of the Ten Year Plan.

GDPR introduces a number of additional responsibilities and processes. The Working Group has been working on putting these in place, many of which are either complete or nearing completion:

The following areas are complete:

  • Information Governance Framework and Information Governance Policy.
  • The University’s Data Protection Compliance Statement.
  • Privacy Notices (with guidance).
  • Consent Forms (with guidance).
  • Information governance framework

The following areas are nearing completion:

  • Retention Schedule.
  • Data Protection Impact Assessment.
  • Information Security: policies, guidance and best practice.

Next steps: A GDPR team will be undertaking a series of presentations to a number of parts of the University including Professional Services and Faculty Executive Groups. The above information, as well as a variety of training resources, will be available via a soon to be launched SharePoint site, further communication to follow. Should you need access to any of the documents sooner, please contact [email protected]

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