The University of Southampton

Centre for Higher Education Practice: new appointments

We’re pleased to announce two new appointments to the Centre for Higher Education Practice (CHEP).

(Left to right) Professor Shelley Parr and Dr Helen Carmichael

Professor Shelley Parr has been appointed as Director of CHEP and Dr Helen Carmichael has accepted the post as Deputy Director and Director of Programmes.

CHEP is a newly established academic support centre hosted by Southampton Education School in the Faculty of Social, Human and Mathematical Sciences (FSHMS). CHEP supports comprehensive world-leading professional development for academic staff and post-graduate students in teaching and research roles.

Professor Shelley Parr is currently the Director of Undergraduate Programmes within Medicine at the University.

Professor Jane Falkingham, Dean of the Faculty of Social, Human and Mathematical Sciences said:

“Shelley has previously held a variety of education leadership roles in the University, leading a range of university-wide enhancement activities including the PGCert in Academic Practice for which she was awarded a University Vice-Chancellor’s teaching award in 2011. Thus she is extremely well placed to take CHEP forward as integral part of the University strategy of investing in its people.”

Dr Helen Carmichael is currently working in an education development role at the University of Surrey having previously been Director of Learning, Teaching and Enhancement and Head of the Institute for Teaching, Innovation and Learning (INSTIL) at the University of West London.

Professor Falkingham continued:

“Helen has worked in education settings throughout her career, with a focus on supporting high quality teaching for high quality learning. Earlier in her career, Helen spent seven years at the Higher Education Academy, where she worked closely with academic colleagues in universities across the UK to develop and share good practice in learning and teaching in health professional education, social work and social policy, including a period at the Higher Education Academy (HEA) subject centre based in Social Sciences at the University. Thus we are delighted to welcome her back to the University.”

“Both Shelley and Helen will be joining CHEP in a phased manner over the coming months and we look forward to welcoming them to the Faculty and to the School of Education.”

Professor Alex Neill, VP (Education) said he was delighted with the appointments:

“I’m very much looking forward to working with Shelley, Helen and the rest of our colleagues in CHEP to develop outstanding professional support for academics at all stages of their careers.”


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