The University of Southampton

Industrial action: updated guidance for staff

The University and College Union (UCU) is asking its members to take strike action and action short of a strike from 22 February onwards. The dates are available here. The University respects the right of trade union members to take lawful industrial action.

Due to changes in employment legislation, including case law, we have revised our industrial action guidance. The key aspects of that guidance are set out below. This approach is consistent with that taken by many other universities involved in the dispute. The full policies can be found at the end of the post.

An aerial photo of part of Highfield Campus

Pay: Strike action

Like every other organisation affected by strike action, the University will not pay staff for the days when they have taken strike action. The new guidance states:

  • Pay will be deducted by 1/365th for each day not worked.
  • Staff must notify their line manager or Head of Faculty Operations of the dates they participate in strike action so that these deductions can be applied.
  • Absences for reasons unconnected with the industrial action will be dealt with in the normal way. If you have not given a reason to your line manager for absence on a strike day, you may be asked to provide this information. This is to avoid pay deductions in error.

Pay: Industrial Action Short of a Strike (ASOS)

If a colleague decides to take part in ASOS and in doing so, they do not fulfil the requirements of their contract (‘partial performance’), they would then not be entitled to their contractual pay.

Whilst the University is entitled to withhold 100% of pay, we have decided that in cases of partial performance, 25% of a day’s pay will be withheld.

We reserve the right to increase the percentage up to 100% during any period where we judge the impact of partial performance on the University, including our students, to have become even more serious.

We believe this is both reasonable and proportionate, given the circumstances and the expectations that colleagues and students have of us to meet our obligations to them.

Please note that although the pay to be withheld may relate to one or more month’s payroll run, it may not be possible to administer adjustments to pay by the payroll cut-off point for that month and therefore the proportion of pay withheld may fall into the subsequent month.

Please be aware that any pay withheld due to strike action or ASOS will be put towards funding student bursaries.

Annual Leave

The University is entitled to deduct annual leave as a result of non-accrual of leave on strike days. We have chosen not to deduct annual leave at this time. This position could change as the dispute continues.

Pension contributions

The University is entitled to withhold its pension contributions during strike action. We have chosen to continue paying employer pension contributions for those colleagues taking strike action, at this time. This position could change as the dispute continues.

Staff not involved in industrial action

The vast majority of our staff will not be involved in taking industrial action.

We ask that these colleagues work normally on days when industrial action is taking place and we thank you in advance for supporting the smooth running of the University.

Colleagues may come into contact with picket lines outside university buildings. If staff have any concerns over the conduct of picket lines, they should report this to Employee Relations (contact details are below).

If members of staff are concerned about colleagues taking industrial action, they can contact their line manager or AskHR (contact details are below).

Please find the updated guidance documents below:

Employee Relations – Contact information


Internal Ext: 27547

Email: [email protected]


Jeremy Gautrey, Head of Employee Relations

Internal Ext:  24053

Email:  [email protected]


Kate Walmsley, Employee Relations Advisor

Internal Ext: 29117

Email: [email protected]


Nicola Baker (Administrator, Employee Relations)

Internal Ext:  24782

Email:  [email protected]


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