The University of Southampton

PASNAS consultation: updated FAQs: 21 February

The latest answers to questions raised in the PASNAS consultation are available on the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) section of the Finance Intranet site.

Staff walking down a path

The PASNAS consultation started on Friday 12 January 2018 and ends on 13 March 2018. You still have time to feed in your views on the proposed changes to the pension scheme by emailing

Joint statement from the University, Unite and Unison:

“The PASNAS consultation was launched on 12 January for all members and eligible members of the PASNAS scheme. Alongside the member & eligible member consultation, the University has commenced consultation with the campus trade unions. A series of meetings has been arranged throughout the 60 day consultation period. The University has set out the proposed changes and the reasons those changes have been proposed. The unions have made a formal submission which the University will be considering as part of the consultation process. Both the University and the trade unions are committed to constructive dialogue during the process.”

If you would like further information, please look at the PASNAS consultation section of the Finance Department Intranet site or click on the green icon found on the homepage of SUSSED.

All pension articles on SUSSED (about both PASNAS and USS) can be found here.

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