The University of Southampton

£886K EU funding for Faculty of Engineering and the Environment

The start of 2018 has seen over £886K of European research funding secured for the Faculty of Engineering and the Environment (FEE).

This significant funding will benefit a variety of different projects, including aircraft noise, train design and research performance. Some of the projects to receive recent funding include:

MARITEC-X which received £57K under the TEAMING call. This call aims to address the disparities in Research and Innovation (R&I) performances between EU Member states by supporting the creation of new centres of excellence or upgrading the existing ones in low R&I performing countries.

Run2Rail addresses the challenge to develop and combine adequately suitable technologies to produce light, reduced noise, track-friendly, reliable, low life-cycle-cost (LCC) running gear – those components of a railway vehicle that run passively on the rails such as wheels. The project will explore an ensemble of technical developments for future running gear, looking into ways to design trains that are more reliable, lighter, less damaging to the track, more comfortable and less noisy. Professor David Thompson secured £187K.

ARTEM (Aircraft noise Reduction Technologies and related Environmental Impact) received £664K led by Professor Alan McAlpine and constitutes a holistic approach for noise reduction for future aircrafts and provides enablers for the expected further increase of air traffic.

ANIMA aims to develop new methodologies and tools to manage and mitigate the impact of aviation noise, improving the quality of life near airports. This project received £42K under Professor Alan McAlpine.

The University’s EU office continues to work hard to secure the wide variety of EU research funding available, whilst helping academics navigate the changing landscape in the wake of Brexit. For more information or assistance with EU funding please contact [email protected]

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