The University of Southampton

Make a nomination in the Blackboard and VLE Awards for a chance to win a £50 Amazon voucher

Has your lecturer (or a course team) created a great Blackboard module or other Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) to help your studies?

Nominations are now open for this year’s Blackboard and VLE Awards competition, to identify examples of excellent online courses.

When considering your nominations, think about whether the content is clear and easy to navigate, whether the site uses multimedia in an engaging way, whether it encourages collaboration and/or makes you feel supported, and whether it provides greater opportunities for feedback.

Students may nominate up to three modules they believe have been particularly innovative or well designed. Each nomination provided by a student will enter them into a prize draw to win a £50 Amazon voucher.

Submit your nominations here. The survey is open until Friday 9 March.

The winning courses will be announced at the Awards Ceremony on Tuesday 1 May.

You can find details of the 2017 winners here.

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