The University of Southampton

EU Funding Presentations: 22 March

On 22 March, the University will host two information events run by UK Research Office (UKRO) advisor, Andreas Kontogeorgos. UKRO is the Research Councils’ Office in Brussels and supports UK higher education institutions in accessing European funding.

The events will provide an ideal opportunity to get an update on the latest developments in Europe and will be of interest to anyone involved in, or applying for, European funding.

Andreas will cover two key areas – the European Research Council Grant (ERC) Scheme and the importance of the Sustainable Development Goals in Horizon2020 aimed at solving European societal challenges.


Take your career to the next level with a European Research Council Grant

Andreas will give an overview of ERC Starting and Consolidator Grants, followed by presentations from existing ERC holders at the university and a Q&A session. This session takes place in Building 37, Senate Room, Highfield Campus. An overview of the ERC scheme can be found here.

To register please visit the Eventbrite website here. Places are limited.

14.30 – 15.30

Importance of Sustainable Development Goals in H2020

In September 2015, the United Nations adopted a set of ambitious goals to tackle poverty, safeguard the planet and guarantee the wellbeing of all. These goals are a priority for the EU and are included in many upcoming H2020 funding calls.

Andreas will discuss the Sustainable Development Goals and how to include them in your applications to maximise the chances of success. He will also briefly discuss the current situation with the next EU framework programme known as FP9.

To register please visit the Eventbrite website here. Places are limited.

If you have any questions about the events or would like further information regarding EU funding opportunities please contact the Research and Innovation Services EU Office on [email protected].

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