The University of Southampton


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There has been a significant development in the negotiations between Universities UK (UUK) and UCU, mediated by ACAS, which have taken place over the last ten days to find a resolution to the current dispute.

The negotiating parties yesterday agreed the terms of a new alternative joint proposal, which includes a solution to the current valuation of the pension scheme, and recognises the work needed to put the scheme on a sustainable footing for the future. Details of the new proposal can be found here.

The proposal sets out a process whereby UCU would suspend industrial action from and including Wednesday 14 March. In addition, UUK yesterday asked USS to suspend the member consultation on the previous proposal, which was due to start on 19 March.

UCU’s Higher Education Committee and branch representatives will meet today (Tuesday 13 March) to consider this alternative proposal. UCU has indicated that the industrial action planned for today will still take place. UUK, meanwhile, has asked for member organisations to indicate by tomorrow (Wednesday 14 March) afternoon if they will endorse the alternative proposal.

I will be indicating our University’s support for this alternative proposal. When I called for further talks to take place, I said they would not succeed without pragmatism and realism on all sides, and it is clear that all parties have indeed recognised both the financial realities facing the pension scheme, and the very clear strength of feeling demonstrated by UCU members. This new proposal will require compromises on all sides, and will mean increased contributions to pensions by universities and by staff.  I believe we should support this so that we can all move on from what has been a very difficult period for everyone concerned, and especially so for some of our students.

I will keep you updated over the coming days on further developments.


Professor Sir Christopher Snowden

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