The University of Southampton

PASNAS: consultation ends today

The PASNAS consultation ends today, 13 March at 23.59 and there is still time for you to feedback on the proposed changes to the scheme by emailing the University’s pension advisers Mercer here.

The latest answers to questions raised in the PASNAS consultation are now available on the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) section of the Finance Intranet site.

All of the feedback received as part of the PASNAS consultation will be presented to the University Council on 14 March. The Council will then consider these responses before making a decision on the future of PASNAS by 9 May.

Ian Dunn, Chief Operating Officer answered some of your frequently asked questions about the proposed changes to PASNAS, including the membership of the University Council, in a SUSSED post on 9 March.

You may find the information below helpful:

General summary of the PASNAS consultation.

A full set of the FAQs.

PASNAS consultation guide.

Presentation used by the University’s pension advisers, Mercer at PASNAS briefing sessions.

All SUSSED posts on pensions.

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