The University of Southampton

Update about Q&A video with the Vice-Chancellor

As you may have seen across our student communications channels, we’ve been inviting you to submit questions for the Q&A video we were planning to film with the Vice-Chancellor this week. This Q&A video was put in place in response to requests from students as an additional opportunity to have questions answered by the Vice-Chancellor ahead of the next Student Forum on 2 May.

The video was to be made available online so that it would be accessible for students away from campus during the Easter break. After publicising about the video, there wasn’t a strong demand from students and we’ve received relatively few questions so, in the light of this, the Vice-Chancellor will be replying directly to those students who have sent questions individually and we’ll be bringing these questions forward to the live Forum event in May.

We are also planning ahead to ensure that we hold further feedback events aligned with the student calendar. Once this calendar of events has been confirmed, the dates will be circulated to students.

Out of the few questions we did receive, some of these were about the impact of the industrial action. Our aim is to ensure that our students have the best education and best student experience. We would recommend that students check the FAQs page regularly as this will continue to be updated as new information becomes available, and as new questions arise.

Students are welcome to get in touch with any feedback regarding their experience, course and university services. Find out how to give feedback on the Student Voice website.

Book your place for the next Student Forum

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