The University of Southampton

Early Years Centre gets glowing report from OFSTED

The Early Years Centre at the University of Southampton has been recognised as “Good” with “Outstanding” elements in the 2018 OFSTED inspection.

Graduation at the Early Years Centre

The Centre, which opened in 1976, is managed by the University’s Student Services department and provides a service for staff, students and the local community.


Manager, Anthony Dooling said he was delighted with the feedback from the inspectors:

“Throughout this report the staff were acknowledged for the quality of their work and I would like to echo my appreciation for all that they do.  Every single person here plays a part in the successful running of the centre and were recognised by Ofsted for their leadership and good practice.

I would like to share with you some extracts from this report which demonstrate that the Early Years Centre staff all “share a vision and drive for consistently high standards”.

“Children are extremely happy and have lots of fun as they learn”

“Staff provide high standards of care, welfare and safety throughout the nursery”

“The children’s behaviour is impeccable”

“Staff consistently engage children in their play and children show strong communication and language skills”

“Staff plan exciting activities for children based on their interests and stages of development.”

Children feel extremely welcome, happy and settled because of the staff’s exemplary caring interactions”

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