The University of Southampton

Student Earth Day Roadshow

In recognition of Earth Day, this year Student Life is working with the Students’ Union to host an Earth Day Roadshow event from 15:00 – 20:00 on Tuesday 24 April at Glen Eyre Halls of Residence.

Earth Day 2018 is dedicated to providing the information and inspiration needed to fundamentally shift people’s attitudes and behaviours in regards to plastics. By 2050, it’s estimated that there will be more plastic in the world’s oceans than fish.

The poster for the Earth Day Event
Encouraging our students to think about the impact they have on the world and to increase their knowledge of conservation, sustainability, recycling and more, the roadshow will feature:

  • Stalls from a number of charities, organisations and societies such as the RSPCA, Hampshire and IOW Wildlife Trust, Cats Protection, Bumblebee Conservation, Southern Water and many more.
  • Campaign talks delivered by Greenpeace, Grow Wild – Kew Gardens and the Woodland Trust.
  • Live acoustic music from street performers Echo State.
  • Information as well as a practical activity on how to grow your own herb garden.
  • The installation of a number of bird boxes, bird tables, bird baths, bat boxes, hedgehog houses and insect hotels around the site to encourage local wildlife.

As part of the Roadshow event, a plastics pledge will be available for students to sign, with the first 500 students receiving a free veggie burger from the vegetarian BBQ as an incentive.

This event is a perfect opportunity to learn about how small changes to your habits can have a big impact on the environment. Find out how we can all take care of the environment by reducing, reusing, recycling, restoring and replenishing.

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