The University of Southampton

Reminder: Global Research Initiator Scheme and Global Fellowships deadline – 22 April

The deadline for the latest round of applications for both the Global Research Initiator Scheme and Global Visiting Fellowships Scheme is this Sunday 22 April. Both schemes form part of the Global Partnerships Award Series, which was launched in December 2017.

The Global Research Initiator Scheme supports joint international research or education-related activities, with an international dimension, and which are in the early stages of development.

Early career researchers (postgraduate researchers, post-doctorate researchers, and junior faculty members) will receive support to visit one of the international partners to establish and cultivate research links at an institutional and individual level.

Academic staff will have the opportunity to lead workshops between Southampton and priority partner colleagues to develop research, teaching or capacity building projects. In both cases, priority will be given to proposals that are interdisciplinary partnerships that are committed to excellence and involve three or more partners.

The Global Visiting Fellowships Scheme enables distinguished visiting staff to collaborate with the University on a range of research and profile-raising activities over a three-year period. Since the establishment of the scheme, a total of 29 Fellows from institutions in ten countries have been appointed, hosted by staff from across seven Faculties.

Please note, both schemes are only open to activities with priority partners. You can find a full list of these partners here.

The deadline for applications for both schemes is Sunday 22 April 2018.

For further information please visit the International Office’s groupsite page and follow #UoSPartners.

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