The University of Southampton

Residences launch Recycling Action Week and Earth Day

The Residential Services team are hosting a series of events for Recycling Action Week starting today, (Monday 23 April), through until Friday 27 April.

The five-day event hopes to bring ecological issues to the fore and raise recycling awareness across the University community, both in and out of halls.

Recycling Action Week image

Current residents have a lot to get involved with: this year the team are urging everyone to focus on recycling as much cardboard as they can by dropping it off at their halls reception.

The hope is to illustrate the growing waste problem we face in the age of packaged online deliveries. Last year for example, over 75% of the wasted cardboard in halls was not recycled and this adds up to a really staggering amount on a yearly basis.

Another focus of the event is to raise awareness of the importance of reducing the use of single use plastic cups, a change that is easy to make, and something that we can all do to help the environment. Of course if you’re already one of the fantastic few who have a reusable cup – well done and keep up the good work!

There will be competitions throughout the week for current halls residents and even a chance for regular SUSSED readers to win a great eco-themed prize: watch this space throughout the week to find out how and remember to keep on recycling.

If you’d like to see more about what’s happening this week, check out the Facebook event for Recycling Action Week.

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