The University of Southampton

Appointment of first seven Associate Deans and Head of Humanities

Interviews for Associate Dean roles in our five new faculties commenced at the end of April and we’re pleased to announce the first seven appointments. Please note, this diagram will be updated as further appointments are made.

A University of Southampton sign

  1. Associate Dean Education, Faculty of Arts & Humanities – Dr David Wheatley
  2. Associate Dean International, Faculty of Arts & Humanities – Stephen Mortimer
  3. Associate Dean Education, Faculty of Social Sciences – Professor Jim Anderson
  4. Associate Dean International, Faculty of Social Sciences – Professor Sabu Padmadas
  5. Associate Dean Research & Enterprise, Faculty of Environmental & Life Sciences – Professor Jon Bull
  6. Associate Dean International, Faculty of Environmental & Life Sciences – Professor Sue Colley
  7. Associate Dean Research, Faculty of Engineering & Physical Sciences – Professor Robert Wood

Incoming Associate Deans will take up post on 1 August 2018, but they will work alongside existing leadership teams over next two months to ensure an efficient handover.

Associate Deans will report to our Deans, but in the new structure they will work more closely with their respective Vice-President (Education, Research & Enterprise, International). They will contribute to the development of the University Strategy and take responsibility for its delivery in their faculties.

The size of the Associate Dean roles will vary depending on the research, enterprise, education and international focus of the Faculty – from 0.5 full time equivalent (fte) to 0.8fte.

Head of the School of Humanities

We’re also pleased to announce that, following an interview process, Professor Sarah Pearce has been appointed Head of the new School of Humanities in the new Faculty of Arts & Humanities. This is subject to approval by University Council.

Professor Mandy Fader, Pro Vice-Chancellor (Internal Partnerships), said:

“By working much more closely with their respective Vice-Presidents, our new Associate Deans will help to ensure we have greater consistency and more collaboration across the University.

“Heads of School will have greater autonomy in the new structure, using their expertise to develop a clear vision for their subject areas, and supporting the professional development of colleagues.”

President and Vice-Chancellor Professor Sir Christopher Snowden said:

“I’m delighted to see our new Faculty leadership teams taking shape and look forward to working with colleagues in the next academic year. Thank you to all colleagues who expressed an interest in these new positions. I am particularly grateful to those colleagues who are stepping down from Faculty roles this summer and I want to thank them for their fundamental contributions to running our University.”

Further announcements regarding the appointment of Associate Deans and the new Head of Engineering will follow as the interview processes conclude in May and early June.

You can find our previous restructure SUSSED updates here.

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