The University of Southampton

Jane Savidge announces retirement

Jane Savidge, Executive Director of Student Experience (interim) has announced that she will be retiring on 31 July 2018.

Jane first joined our University in 2013, leading our Library before becoming Director of Library Services and University Arts Strategy coordinator in 2015.

Following the departure of Nicky Passmore in June 2017, Jane took on a dual role, working as both our Director of Library Services and Arts Strategy Coordinator, and Executive Director of Student Experience.

Jane commented:

“This has been my perfect role, melding arts and learning with the student experience.

“I could not have taken on the dual role without the support of the Library and Arts senior management team and the commitment of the Library and the Arts teams who have been keeping developments on track for the last year. I am hugely indebted to the Directors and the teams in the Student Experience cluster, who have worked closely with me to develop plans and responses to change. I recognise the significant expertise and commitment across the Student Experience teams which has contributed to our many successes over the last year, including the increased responsiveness to students through the Students Forum, significant work on the NSS and the increasing impact of the international strategy on the student community, among other notable achievements.”

“I have really enjoyed the last five years  in Southampton, there is never a good time to leave and the decision has not been  easy. I will continue to feel personally invested in Southampton and I hope to stay in touch. I  am very proud of our progress and achievements during a period of such significant change and I look forward to hearing about future developments and successes.”

A recruitment search for the role of Executive Director of Student Experience will begin shortly. In due course, the post of Director of Library and Arts will also be recruited.

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