The University of Southampton

Build your business with SEED Start-Up Funding

The Student Enterprise Team (part of the Careers and Employability Service), Future Worlds and the Social Impact Lab have come together to offer the SEED Start-Up Funding Competition once again.

The competition supports students at the University in the creation and development of early stage businesses or social enterprises through the awarding of funding ‘prizes’ of up to £2,500.

Students who have received SEED start-up funds
L – R: Dr Reuben Wilcock (Future Worlds Director), Connell McLaughlin (first year Aeronautics and Astronautics student and Founder of Route Reports), Dylan Grey (final year Electronic Engineering student and Founder of BOON) and Tunde Alao (Computer Science graduate and Co-Founder of Cluttr)

Dylan Grey, final year MEng Electronic Engineering student and Founder of BOON commented:

“The SEED Start-Up funding has helped me create a prototype of the product, which has allowed me to gain traction and invaluable feedback from potential users. This is so important when pitching for future investment. The funding allowed me to apply for a trademark, rent hosting, and buy more domains, and has really kick-started my business.”

On Saturday 12 May four innovative student start-ups secured life-changing investments worth a combined £200,000 in a record-breaking Future Worlds Dragons’ Den-style event. If this has inspired you to work on your business idea, then the SEED Start-up Fund can help you along the first stages of that journey.

Apply before Monday 28 May using the online application form.

If you’re not yet at the point of creating a business, but want to be involved in developing the skills needed to get there, the Student Enterprise Team also offers an Enterprise Summer School in June. Find out more information here.

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