The University of Southampton

Congratulations to the Academic Awards 2018 winners

On Thursday 10 May the Students’ Union hosted the Academic Awards 2018. This annual event is an opportunity to celebrate the successes of our dedicated student volunteers and staff who strive to improve the academic experience at Southampton.

An image of the Academic Awards
Photo credit: SUPS Events.

The awards were held at the Union and were presented by Vice-President of Education, Sam Dedman.

After the Awards, Sam Dedman commented:

“It was my absolute pleasure to host the Academic Awards 2018, recognising the best that our University community has to offer. This year has certainly had its challenges, but Academic Reps and staff alike have persevered and delivered truly exceptional experiences to students at this University.

“Congratulations to everyone who was nominated, and I look forward to seeing many of you again at the Academic Awards 2019!”

A full photo album from the night can be found on the Students’ Union’s Facebook page. Photo credit: SUPS Events.

A full list of the award winners can be found on the Union’s blog here.

Congratulations to all winners!

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