The University of Southampton

Our Faculty restructure – Update #6 – Professional Service changes and updating our websites

In November 2017, Professor Sir Christopher Snowden outlined plans to re-shape the University and move to a five-faculty structure from 1 August 2018.

We are posting regular updates on SUSSED, and a copy of this information is also being sent to senior managers, our Unions and our colleagues at the Students’ Union so that they can facilitate sharing within their own departments and networks.

University of Southampton sign

Programme timeline

A number of activities are underway to ensure that our new faculty structure is in place by 1 August 2018. You can find the anticipated timeline for the work here. This document will be updated as the programme progresses.

Student and Academic Administration staff (SAA)

Interim arrangements for how Faculty Academic Registrars (FARs) will work with our new faculties after 1 August 2018 have been agreed.

FARs have been aligned to the new faculties in a way that minimises disruption at this important time of year. You can see the full list here.

Over the coming weeks, FARs will work with their Student and Academic Administration teams to confirm how they will support the five new faculties.

These interim arrangements are expected to be in place for a minimum of three months from 1 August 2018, while longer term plans for Student and Academic Administration staff are considered.

Marketing teams

Interim arrangements for faculty marketing teams have also been agreed. These teams are each led by a Marketing Manager/Senior Marketing Manager and you can view the new alignments here.

A review of the Communications and Marketing department has also commenced to consider how best to re-shape the delivery of services to create a more sustainable model for the future.

Estates and Facilities Faculty Projects Team

Estates and Facilities has decided how its Faculty Team Leaders will align to the new structure. The changes, detailed here, have been communicated directly to appropriate colleagues in faculties and professional services.

Updating our websites

As part of our preparations for the restructure, colleagues are working to ensure that our externally facing web content is updated when we move from eight to five faculties. The project team responsible for the changes will be reviewing all faculty, school and academic unit sites on the SitePublisher platform, plus the main corporate site.

The team has contacted all SitePublisher editors across the University to confirm what shouldn’t be altered in the lead up to 1 August, to avoid duplication of effort or impact on the University’s Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) during a critical recruitment period.

For more information

You can find our previous restructure SUSSED updates here.

During this change programme, some information that is sensitive for external audiences or considered commercial in confidence will be posted on SharePoint and require a staff log-in. To meet our commitment to transparency with our student community, wherever possible this information will be shared with the Students’ Union President and sabbatical officers.

If you have questions about the Faculty restructure, please email: [email protected] (colleagues in the Strategy Implementation Team manage this mailbox).

If you would like to contact a member of the executive team about the restructure, you can email either Professor Mandy Fader ([email protected]) or Ian Dunn ([email protected]).

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