The University of Southampton

Our Faculty restructure – Update #7 – New faculty and school roles

In November 2017, Professor Sir Christopher Snowden outlined plans to re-shape the University and move to a five-faculty structure from 1 August 2018.

University of Southampton sign

We are posting regular updates on SUSSED, and a copy of this information is also being sent to senior managers, our Unions and our colleagues at the Students’ Union so that they can facilitate sharing within their own departments and networks.

Progress update and faculty organisational charts

Over the last three months, we have made significant progress aligning and appointing colleagues to our new structure, and we are well placed to launch our new faculties on 1 August.

The majority of Heads of Schools have now been confirmed, and you can find organisational charts for each faculty here. We will be updating these charts in the lead up to 1 August to include Heads of Departments and other positions as more individuals are confirmed.

Director of Faculty Operations

As part of the work to deliver the new Faculty structure from 1 August 2018, the University has been considering the leadership of our Faculty Operating Service.

You can read more about this role here.

Directors of Graduate Schools

In May, the Organisational Design Working Group (ODWG) approved plans to re-align the University’s Graduate School activities, which will help to streamline the work we do to support our postgraduate researchers. Each new faculty will have one overarching Graduate School overseen by a Director.

Where there is a change in faculty composition, eligible staff are currently being invited to apply for the new roles.

In Medicine, where the faculty composition is unchanged, the existing Director of Graduate School has been invited to take up the new role for a period of three years.

Deputy Heads of Schools

The Organisational Design Working Group has also approved the creation of new Deputy Head of School (Education) and Deputy Head of School (Research & Enterprise) roles.

A key aim of this restructure is increased consistency, and these posts will replace a range of roles that currently exist in our academic units. The post-holders will support the delivery of their respective strategy in their schools. The Deputy Heads of School (Education) will also be responsible for ensuring that their schools are compliant with the University’s quality assurance and enhancement framework.

The appointment process for these roles is being communicated to colleagues within faculties.

For more information

You can find our previous restructure SUSSED updates here.

During this change programme, some information that is sensitive for external audiences or considered commercial in confidence will be posted on SharePoint and require a staff log-in. To meet our commitment to transparency with our student community, wherever possible this information will be shared with the Students’ Union President and sabbatical officers.

If you have questions about the Faculty restructure, please email: [email protected] (colleagues in the Change Portfolio Office manage this mailbox).

If you would like to contact a member of the executive team about the restructure, you can email either Professor Mandy Fader or Ian Dunn.

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