The University of Southampton

Telephone service upgrade 14 and 15 July

On Saturday 14 and Sunday 15 July 2018, iSolutions is planning to carry out a major software upgrade of the telephone system.

An image of a telephone

Dates and times:

  • Saturday 14 July, 09:00 – 18:00: the telephone system upgrade will require a total service outage, meaning that there will be no telephone services available during this period.
    Restoring the services will begin immediately after the upgrade, and services are expected to be fully functional by the end of the day.
  • Sunday 15 July: the system will be thoroughly tested. Telephone services should be considered ‘at risk’ for the duration of the update.

General impact:

  • The University’s 24-hour Control Centre won’t have internal telephone services and therefore will have to use its external BT line to take emergency calls. The number to call is Tel: +44 (0)23 8055 8477.
  • Internal phones all over our campuses will not be available for people to use, including the lift phones and refuge phones. Therefore as a precaution staff and students should:
    • avoid using lifts while on site
    • carry a charged mobile phone while on site
    • avoid lone working
  • External callers to the University will receive an automated announcement about the outage.
  • As a result of the upgrade, any call divert settings will be lost. Please follow the instructions for your particular phone model on the following link to re-instate them: How do I use my telephone?
  • Network connections to PCs over IP phones will also be disrupted.

Please note: the 24-hour Control Centre will remain available on direct BT number Tel: +44 (0)23 8055 8477.

We apologise in advance for the inconvenience this is likely to cause, but this update is vital to the maintenance and development of the system.

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