The list of courses available to prospective students in this year’s Clearing and Adjustment period is now available online. We are offering a limited number of places for talented and well-qualified candidates across a number of subject areas.
Over the past few years, clearing vacancies have been released in August when A-Level students get their results. The decision to publish the vacancies earlier this year is to keep up with changing trends in the market.
There is an increasing number of students who want to explore alternative options before finding out their results, and who are browsing the internet to get advice on how to prepare for results day. Making the list of vacancies available now gives candidates more time to see what we offer and then approach us. There are also students who get their results before August, including many international ones.
Many of our students who were accepted through Clearing are having a very successful experience at Southampton. In 2017, things didn’t go as Isaac Walter planned on A-Level results day. He was disappointed not to get into his first choice university but he went into Clearing and started investigating Southampton. Isaac says:
“The whole campus looked really attractive to me. The Russell Group looked really attractive to me and […] one of my best friends was going there.”

Isaac was told he had the grades to do a mathematical subject at Southampton and he hasn’t looked back since. He says he’s enjoying his studies, social life and a new found love for squash. He gives this advice to students waiting for their results:
“Definitely have a plan on results day. Make sure you look around beforehand and, most of all, don’t panic.”
Should a prospective student contact you regarding Clearing or Adjustment, please direct them to the University website where they can find out about our vacancies, read our Clearing FAQs, register for alerts and find out the contact details of the relevant admissions team.
The Clearing hot line will open in August.