The University of Southampton

How much plastic waste have we reduced in five months?

Earlier this year, we told you about Catering Services’ plans to reduce plastic waste in the catering outlets on our campuses.

We’re delighted to announce that, thanks to the introduction of compostable alternatives and the success of the ‘bring your own cup’ campaign, in the first five months of 2018 we have removed or substituted:

  • 300,000 plastic-coated single-use coffee cups and lids,
  • 95,000 plastic water cups
  • 92,000 items of plastic cutlery
  • 2,500 plastic straws

Catering Services members
(Left to right) Jane Mullet and Professor Ed Hill

On 27 June 2018, Catering Services staff at the National Oceanography Centre were presented with a special ‘green’ award by Ed Hill, NOC Executive Director, in honour of their environmental efforts.

Candy Snelling, NOC Deputy Head of Estates, explained:

“Jane Mullet and her team take a pro-active approach to improving the environmental performance of the catering areas at NOC Southampton. They have consistently supported a range of initiatives at the Centre; from reducing food waste generation, to energy management within the kitchen areas and sustainable food sourcing. This award recognises the passion the catering services team bring to continual environmental improvement at the Centre.”

Remember, you’ll get an extra stamp on your Catering reward card when you buy a hot drink and bring your own cup to be filled at one of our many campus catering outlets.

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