The University of Southampton

New faculties – useful information

On 1 August we launched our new faculty structure and today we’re publishing a summary of useful information about the change.

University of Southampton sign

Below you can find links to overview pages for our new faculties, plus organisational charts that include Deans, Associate Deans, Heads of Schools, Heads of Departments and key professional services colleagues.

Faculty of Arts and Humanities – Web page | Chart

Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences – Web pageChart 

Faculty of Environmental and Life Sciences – Web page | Chart

Faculty of Medicine – Web page | Chart

Faculty of Social Sciences – Web page | Chart

You can find advice about how to consistently refer to our new faculties, schools and roles in the updated Editorial Style Guide here.

The University key contacts chart has been updated and can be found on SharePoint here.

The online HR Organisational Charts have also been updated to reflect the new structure.

Associate Deans

We’re pleased to announce that Professor Mark French has been appointed Associate Dean (Education) in the Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences. This completes the Associate Dean appointment process.

Student and Academic Administration (SAA) organisational charts

SAA colleagues have produced detailed organisational charts showing staff roles and responsibilities in the new five-faculty structure. The alignment of staff will be reviewed and refined in the autumn as team leaders understand more about workloads in the new faculties. The charts can be found here.

If you have any questions

A lot of work has taken place to minimise the impact of this change, but if there are any teething problems, you can contact the relevant teams below:

  • For questions about changes to our IT systems (e.g. Banner, ResourceLink and Agresso), log an IT ticket via ServiceNow or call ServiceLine on 25656.
  • For questions about HR approval chains in our new structure (e.g. the approval of annual leave), log an HR ticket via ServiceNow or call AskHR on 27547.
  • For questions about Finance approval chains (e.g. the approval of expenses), log a Finance ticket via ServiceNow or call ServiceLine on 25656.
  • For questions about the light touch changes that have been made to our websites to reflect our new structure, you can contact the Web Amends team via ServiceNow.
  • If you have any problems with buildings access, please log a request via Planon Self-Service.

If you have any other problems, you can email: [email protected].

For more information

The restructure SharePoint site has been refreshed and can be accessed here.

You can find an archive of our previous restructure SUSSED updates here.

If you have a general question about the restructure, please email: [email protected] (colleagues in the Change Portfolio Office manage this mailbox).

If you would like to contact a member of the executive team directly, you can email either Professor Mandy Fader or Ian Dunn.

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