The University of Southampton

Pay negotiations: staff to receive increase of between 2 and 2.8 per cent

The University is to increase pay for all staff by between 2 and 2.8 per cent, with greatest uplifts for those on the lowest pay points. The increase took effect from 1 August and will be reflected in our August payroll.

Staff walking down a path

The rollout of the increase follows completion of this year’s national pay negotiations, and a recommendation by the Universities and Colleges Employers Association (UCEA) that employers implement the final offer now, rather than make staff wait several more months to receive the uplift.

The outcome includes a 2.8 per cent increase for colleagues on the lowest pay point and extra loading for those on the first 15 pay points, providing the lowest paid staff with a base pay increase that is above the current headline inflation rate.

A settlement with the GMB union has been reached, but the University and College Union (UCU), Scotland’s largest teaching union (EIS), UNISON and Unite continue to be in dispute following the conclusion of the new bargaining process. UCU and UNISON will continue to ballot their members into October and Unite will be consulting its branches about balloting for ‘targeted industrial action.’

President and Vice-Chancellor, Professor Sir Christopher Snowden commented:

“Recognising the challenges facing the funding of higher education and consequently remuneration of our staff, I believe this is a reasonable outcome, especially for those on the lowest pay points, who will benefit from a higher uplift in pay. It is the right and fair thing to do to start paying this uplift to colleagues at the earliest opportunity. At the same time, it is recognised that this is still an issue of dispute with the recognised trades unions.” 

 Details of the 2018-19 pay negotiations can be found here.

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