The University of Southampton

New pedestrian and cycle friendly Salisbury Road

The University is installing a new, more pedestrian-focussed surface on Salisbury Road.

The new ‘shared space’ design for the end of Salisbury Road (closest to Southampton Common) is similar to that used in other newly regenerated areas of the city, such as Guildhall Square. The design will make the road significantly more welcoming to pedestrians, allowing them to easily cross from the north to the south sides of our Highfield Campus.

To install this significant improvement, the road will be closed to vehicles apart from Unlink buses and essential site traffic, from 15 October 2018 until mid-January 2019.

The North Gower Car Park will still be in use during this time, except for 10 days in early January 2019.

It will still be possible to cross Salisbury Road on foot during this time, but access to Buildings 53 and 59 will be narrowed and the cycle storage outside Building 53 will be closed for five weeks from 15 October until 19 November 2018.

You can find an alternative cycle store for this period here.

The works will begin at the Common entrance and move east along the road in phases.

You can find more information about these and other estates developments here.

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