The University of Southampton

Road closures at Highfield Campus

Salisbury Road will be closed to traffic for three months from Monday 15 October, with access only available for Unlink buses, essential site traffic and those entering the North Gower car park. A pedestrian route will be maintained on the North Gower side and a road crossing; but there will be no cycle route along Salisbury Road during the closure period.

The closure is to allow for installation of a new, more pedestrian-focussed surface. The new ‘shared space’ design will make the road significantly more welcoming to pedestrians and cyclists.

The North Gower car park will remain in use during the works, apart from 10 days in early January 2019.

It will still be possible to cross Salisbury Road on foot during this time but access to Buildings 53 and 59 will be narrowed and the cycle storage outside Building 53 will be closed for five weeks from 15 October until 19 November 2018.

You can find an alternative cycle store for this period here.

The works will begin at the entrance to the Common and move eastwards along the road in phases.

You can find more information about these and other estates developments here

As a result of important pipe replacement work on Admin Road, access for deliveries to Goods Inward at Building 35 will be via Hartley Avenue for the next few weeks.

The work is currently taking place outside Buildings 29, 30 and 35 as far as the crossroads at the end of Building 30. Road improvements are included in the project, which will require the closure of this section beyond the end of November.

The upgrade of the district heating system will continue until Wednesday 6 March 2019.

If you have questions or concerns about any of these closures please email [email protected]

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