In the first of our series about the value of completing the Staff Survey, we’ve been talking to Professor Paul Whittaker, Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities.
Paul Whittaker, Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities.
What are you trying to achieve in your Faculty this year?
In the Faculty of Arts and Humanities we are working to establish a successful and inclusive Faculty that is able to maximise its curriculum and research strengths and deliver the University’s strategy within a short, medium and long term time frame. It seems appropriate that, as we work with colleagues to establish the Faculty and School leadership teams and start to evolve our business-as-usual model across the Schools, we also start to develop an over-arching vision for the Faculty. We will be engaging with colleagues in the coming weeks on developing this vision and taking the first steps toward shared initiatives.
How will the insight you get from the Staff Engagement Survey help you move forward?
Listening to the views of staff from across the Faculty, will enable us to recognise what we are doing well, as well as those areas of activity where we need to make improvements. This information will help us to build an engaged and inclusive Faculty committed to delivering the University’s strategy and our vision for Arts and Humanities education, research and enterprise.
What would you say to your staff about the importance of filling the survey in?
The survey will give staff an opportunity to share their thoughts about working life at the University. The feedback that we receive will be essential in helping to create a positive experience for both staff and students. It is an opportunity for the broad community to help shape the future working and studying environment of the University.
More information can be found:
Staff Engagement SharePoint site.