The University of Southampton

Recruiting a new Vice-Chancellor – additional chance to provide feedback

Our current President and Vice-Chancellor Professor Sir Christopher Snowden has announced his intention to retire in the spring of 2019.

The selection of a new Vice-Chancellor is a defining moment for any University and it is important that staff and students have a chance to contribute their thoughts on the future challenges facing the University as well as the attributes that a new leader will need to be successful.

How you can participate

We received over 750 contributions to the online survey, which ran from 2 – 12 October 2018.  Thank you to all those who have engaged so far.

Odgers Berndston drop-in sessions

To give our staff and students an additional opportunity to provide feedback, Alex Acland (lead consultant for our search partner, Odgers Berndtson), will be holding two drop-in sessions on Highfield Campus. There won’t be any presentations during the session: it is simply an additional chance for staff and students to provide their input.

Students’ Drop-in session:

Tuesday 30 October, 12:30 – 14:30 in the John Roberts room (Building 38, Highfield Campus).

Staff Drop-in session:

Wednesday 7 November, 12:00 – 14:00 in the John Roberts room (Building 38, Highfield Campus).

Both drop-in sessions will be run in the following format: the two hours will be split into six 15 minute slots, with up to 15 attendees being able to participate in each. Attendance will be on a first-come-first-served basis. A further two slots will be available in the last half an hour of the session, where groups larger than 15 can participate.

You don’t need to register to attend. In addition, unless required for note-taking or door management, University staff will not be involved in the running of these sessions.

Professor Mandy Fader drop-in sessions

Mandy Fader, Pro Vice-Chancellor Internal Partnerships, is running additional drop-in sessions which both staff and students can attend. Registration isn’t required and the sessions will have an open format for attendees to provide their feedback.

Please see below for the list of sessions, and attend the one which suits you:

Monday 29 October 15:3016:00 in Room 1231, Building 59, Highfield Campus

Wednesday 31 October 10:30 – 12:30 in the Dean’s Committee Room, Level C, SAB, University Hospital Southampton

Tuesday 1 November 12:00 – 14:00 in 63/1161, Winchester School of Art

Tuesday 6 November 12:00 – 14:00 in the John Swallow Room (054/06), NOCS

Wednesday 7 November 11:00 – 13:00 in 65/LTA, Avenue Campus

Can’t make it to one of the drop-in sessions?

You can email your contributions to the new dedicated mailbox: [email protected] – this inbox is managed by the Internal Communications Team, who will collate any feedback provided before passing it on to Odgers Berndtson to be used as part of the wider search for our new Vice-Chancellor.

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