The University of Southampton

Pensions update (2 November)

The following update focuses on two parallel, but entirely separate developments, regarding the Universities Superannuation Scheme (USS): the Joint Expert Panel (JEP) and the USS consultation on cost sharing.

Staff walking down a path

Our response to the Universities UK consultation (JEP report)

In late September 2018, the JEP published their recommendations regarding the 2017 valuation of the USS pension scheme.

Universities UK (UUK) has led a consultation regarding these recommendations with employers who participate in the scheme.

The full formal response can be found here.

Read more about the JEP here.

USS Consultation on cost sharing

USS announced in early May that it would follow the cost sharing process in order to complete the latest valuation of the scheme.

The statutory, employer-led consultation, which is a required part of this process, closes today, Friday 2 November 2018 at 17:00.

The University has now published its response to the consultation which you can see here.

You can contribute to the consultation here.

You may find the following links helpful:

USS cost sharing consultation opens

Pensions expert, Brendan Mulkern explains the consultation (click on USS briefing)

USS website on cost sharing

UUK website

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