The University of Southampton

Survey indicates 95.5 per cent of our 2016 -17 graduates are in employment or further study

Our University has continued to perform well in the latest Destination of Leavers from Higher Education (DLHE) survey, which looks at the destinations of all university students who graduated in the 2016-17 academic year.

It shows that 95.5% [1] of our graduates were in employment or further study six months after leaving the University, outperforming the national average across all universities (94.6%).

It is also better than the benchmark of performance that would be expected (94.9%), given our University’s subject mix and student profile.

A cyclist on campus

In this year’s survey, 74.6% [2] of graduates said they felt their course had prepared them “well” or “very well” for employment, compared with 74.1% last year.

Within the Russell Group, our University has achieved the second highest level of university leavers in employment (77.2%) [3] and top five for leavers in full-time employment (60.5%). We are placed sixth for leavers who are either working or studying (95.5%) and consequently also sixth best for unemployment amongst graduates (4.5%).

Associate Director of Student Services, Kelly Holder commented on the results:

“I am very pleased that University of Southampton graduates continue to find professional-level jobs. The latest results are testament to our hard-working students and the dedication of our University staff to establish key relationships with employers. The University is more committed than ever to develop meaningful extra-curricular and career supporting activities for our students.”

Destinations data for University of Southampton leavers from the last six academic years is now available to view in Qlikview for all University staff.

The 2016-17 DLHE collection was the last to run in its current format. The new Graduate Outcomes survey will commence in December 2018 and will survey graduates 15 months after graduation. This will take the place of DLHE in contributing outcomes data to the league tables, and the first data will be available in spring 2020.

For further enquiries on outcomes, please contact Senior Student Data Analyst Olli Jokiaho: [email protected].

[1] Employment of UK full-time first degree leavers summary: UK Performance Indicators 2016/17

[2] – DLHE application (UK full-time first degree leavers)

[3] Institutional breakdown of UK and EU domiciled full-time first degree leavers – Table 13a

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