The University of Southampton

Staff Engagement Survey: participation rate revealed

We’re pleased to inform you that we achieved a 69 per cent participation rate in the Staff Engagement Survey.

68 per cent of staff completed the 2016 survey, so it’s great to know we have maintained our response levels.

Thank you to everyone who took the time out of their busy schedules to complete the 2018 Staff Engagement Survey.

What happens now?

December 2018 Headline results will be presented to the Executive Board and published on SUSSED for staff.
January 2019 More detailed results of the responses will be provided, including reports for many teams where more than 10 people in the team have completed the survey.
January – March 2019 Staff have the opportunity to contribute to the discussions about action planning in their teams to help improve their working environment. If you are interested in being involved in the action planning, please talk with your line manager.

Once again, thank you for participating in our survey.


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