The University of Southampton

Southampton leads new network on policy engagement

Our University is leading a new UK-wide network, looking to improve collaboration between academic researchers and policy makers in government and parliament.

The new Universities Policy Engagement Network (UPEN) will seek to improve and increase the public policy impact of research from its member universities.


Gavin Costigan, Director of Public Policy|Southampton was the driving force behind the establishment of the network. As the UPEN’s inaugural chair, Gavin spoke about the benefits to our University:

“Policymakers have different needs, incentives and timescales to university researchers, which is why specialist support teams like Public Policy|Southampton are being established. There is a lot we can do as a single university, but there are many occasions working with Government and Parliament when we can have a greater impact by working together. There is more than enough policy to go round, and through UPEN, we expect more opportunities for Southampton academics. Being in the centre of UPEN from the start is also great for showcasing Southampton as a university with a significant quantity of excellent policy-relevant research.

“Ultimately, this should lead to an increase in both income and reputation, two of the levers of the ten year strategic plan.”

Public Policy|Southampton is acting as the secretariat for UPEN in its first year, drawing in part on funding from the Economic and Social Research Council Impact Acceleration Account which the University holds. As well as unlocking new opportunities in Government, UPEN will be developing best practice for evidence-policy brokerage in universities.

Further information can be found on the UPEN website.

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