The University of Southampton

Applications invited for ‘Green Stories’ writing competition

Aspiring writers are invited to explore the series of ‘green stories’ writing competitions being run by Dr Denise Baden, Associate Professor within Southampton Business School.

greener worlds writing competition

Denise’s research shows that solution-based stories or stories that incorporate green ideas/characters in the context of an otherwise mainstream story are more likely to inspire greener behaviours than catastrophic tales of climate change. So as a way to raise awareness, she is asking writers to check out potentially transformative solutions on the Green Stories website and integrate them into their stories.

Applications are invited for a playwriting competition (deadline June 2019), a radio play/series competition (deadline July 2019), a novel competition (deadline August 2019) and other formats (film tv, interactive fiction etc.).

All competitions are free to enter and there are prizes available and routes to production/publication already set up. As an example, the BBC Writers room has agreed to read the top 5 scripts in the radio, tv and film categories and follow up any writers they are interested in.

A writer’s workshop has been organised for 19 and 20 January 2019 to generate ideas. More information and booking details are available here.

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