The University of Southampton

The Employee Diversity survey launches today

The Employee Diversity survey launches today, 25 February, and will close on Friday 8 March.

All staff will receive an email containing a unique link to the survey. The email will be sent from the address: [email protected] – ORC International is managing the survey on behalf of our University.

Responses to the survey will be anonymised.

The survey forms an important part of our ongoing work to renew our existing Athena SWAN institutional silver award. In addition, it will form part of our application for an institutional Race Equality Charter (REC) award.

Results of the survey will enable the University to identify potential inequalities and obstacles, with responses going on to inform future action plans, with the aim to improve the University’s working environment.

The Equality, Diversity and Inclusion team aims to share the results by the beginning of April 2019.

Reports summarising the results will be shared with the University Executive Board, the University Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Committee, Athena SWAN self-assessment teams and Race Equality Charter steering and related working groups, to inform their discussions and action plans.

These groups will be responsible for communicating and disseminating the relevant themes from the survey and action plans relevant to their individual faculties or services.

If you have any queries, please contact [email protected] – FAQs can be found here.

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