The University of Southampton

LGBT+ History Month: Spotlight on Kieron Broadhead

As a member of Stonewall, our University is committed to creating a safe, inclusive and diverse working environment that encourages respect and equality for all, regardless of sexual orientation and/or gender identity.

As part of LGBT+ history month, we’re promoting some of our LGBT+ community members and supporters. We met with Kieron Broadhead, who has recently joined the University as Executive Director of Student Experience.

Q1. Being a gay man, have you ever felt there have been any barriers or opportunities offered due to your sexuality?

I consider myself incredibly lucky as I can safely say no, I’ve never felt barriers in my career as a result of my sexuality. One of the best things about a career in higher education is that we are a community of people who tend to be accepting and liberal. Being a gay man has been openly accepted and I’ve never felt excluded. I also have never felt that I’ve had to hide who I am, or make excuses.

Q2. Do you think society and attitudes have changed since you were of student age and how?

Yes, without question. For a start we only talked about ‘LGB’ when I was at university, trans issues were rarely talked about, we’ve certainly moved forwards in terms of widening understanding of inequalities and in encouraging discourse. Also, much of the campaigning that I was a part of in the 90’s related to seeking equality of access and rights. This, of course included equal access to marriage. I recently married my husband and to hold a marriage certificate, just like my heterosexual friends, still feels wonderful. The 18-year-old me would certainly have hoped to be able to marry – but to be able to do so still makes me delighted.

Q3. If you could give one piece of advice to a member of the University’s LGBT community, what would that be?

Don’t be afraid to be open, our community is open and supportive. I’ve felt nothing but support and acceptance since arriving. And please don’t worry about your sexuality holding you back, push forwards, talent isn’t defined by sexuality and there is support for you if you need it!

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