The University of Southampton

Use your voice on University Mental Health Day

Thursday 7 March is University Mental Health Day. It is the biggest day of the year for student mental health, bringing together our University community to make mental health a university-wide priority and to create ongoing change to the future of student mental health. This year is all about the power of using your voice.

In the run-up and on University Mental Health Day, the University and SUSU have organised the following events:

Events for students:

  • 7 March12:00 – 14:00 – in the Students’ Common Room at Southampton General Hospital. A cake and chill event, organised by SUSU, with the opportunity to write encouraging notes to friends on a range of positive message postcards. You can also find these postcards at SUSU reception.
  • 7 March – Ask Me Anything: The opportunity for you to have your questions answered regarding the support services available at our University. Your questions will be answered by an Enabling Services and Student Life Manager. Keep an eye on @union_soton and #UseYourVoice!
  • 7 March, 17:00 18:00 – SUSU and the Zumba Society are putting on a FREE Zumba session in the Activities Room in the SUSU building.
  • 7 March, 12:30 – 13:30 – The Priory Group will be hosting a Mindfulness with CBT session. There are limited spaces available, so you should email [email protected] to book your place.
  • 7 March, 19:00 – 22:00 – Tea and Talk sessions – Student Life will be hosting Tea and Talk Sessions at every UoS Halls of Residence. You are invited to come along for a hot drink, some food, and the opportunity to chat to the Student Life team.
  • 7 March, 13:0015:00 – There will be a Student Support Drop-in in Building 37 at Enabling Services.
  • 7 March, 19:0020:00 – Student Support Drop-in at Mayflower Halls with Student Life.
  • There is also an opportunity to support your peers and become a group facilitator with Student Minds Society – Find out more here.

Events for staff:

  • 7 March, 12:00 13.30 – B63 West, Room 1165. Tea and Talk event for staff at WSA, hosted by Health and Wellbeing.
  • 7 March, 12:00 – 12:45 – Avenue Campus B65 Room 2123. A Talk by John Perry, Lead for Healthcare Communication on ‘Unconditional Self-Acceptance’ & ‘Learning not to ‘Should’ on yourself’. Limited spaces are available for this event due to the size of the room. Please book your place here.

Events for all:

  • 5 March18:00 – 19:00 – 02/1039 (Lecture Theatre K). SUSU has organised for Hope Virgo to join us to speak about mental health and eating disorders. Book your place here.

Student mental health and wellbeing is becoming an increasingly discussed topic and across the country. We are seeing an upward trend in young people declaring mental health conditions which is reflected in our own University community. Universities UK and Student Minds believe that universities need to deliver a step change in the way that they offer mental health support.

In response, our University Executive Board (UEB) has responded to this need with the creation of the University’s first Mental Health Steering Group. This group is committed to ensuring that our University provides excellent, proactive and preventative support for all staff and students in our community.

If you’re worried or are struggling with something, it can help to talk to someone about what you are going through. Find out who you can talk to if you need some support with your mental health and wellbeing.

If you have any questions about the Mental Health Steering Group, please contact: [email protected] for more information.

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