The University of Southampton

Our first ever India Day is underway on Highfield Campus

Dignitaries from the UK and India are meeting some of our leading academics on Highfield Campus today for the University’s first India Day.

This special day celebrates the launch of our new India Centre for Inclusive Growth and Sustainable Development, which aims to become a globally recognised think-tank for innovation, knowledge transfer and capacity building.

Winnie Eley, Vice-President (International) will address attendees at Garden Court at 13:30 and Professor Jane Falkingham, Dean, Faculty of Social Sciences will then talk about the India Centre.

Today’s programme includes a series of inspiring talks including:

  • Professor Dame Wendy Hall on ‘The pivotal role of India in the future of the Internet’
  • Professor Caroline Fall on ‘Preventing type 2 diabetes by building better babies in India’
  • Professor Sir David Neil Payne on ‘Lighting up the world’
  • Professor Maria Evandrou on ‘Population ageing in India’
  • Professor Andy Tatem on ‘Mapping population distributions, characteristics and dynamics in India’

Keep an eye on SUSSED, and follow #UoSIndiaDay, our International channels on TwitterFacebook and Instagram for updates throughout the day.

If you’d like to join the event, a full programme can be found on our Eventbrite page.

This evening at Turner Sims there’ll be an opportunity to experience cultural music and dance through a variety of exciting and motivational performances. Details for the event are available here.

The student performers will be taking over the University’s Snapchat account this evening so make sure to add: unisouthampton to watch behind the scenes content.

Read our special issue of Re:action focusing on the world-leading research conducted at our University which aims to address some of the key challenges faced by India today.

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