The University of Southampton

Science and Engineering Day a huge community success

This weekend (Saturday 16 March), we hosted our annual Science and Engineering Day on Highfield Campus.

woman extracting liquid from a glass container

Part of the Science and Engineering Festival which spans the whole week, Science and Engineering Day united a huge variety of colleagues and students across our University who are passionate about Science and Engineering, and want to share their enthusiasm with the world.

This year’s event saw over 7,000 visitor registrations, bringing together a huge community with a range of ages and backgrounds. With areas focusing on archaeology, biology, chemistry, space, humans and health, future cities and much more, there really was something for everyone.

Professor Mark Spearing, President and Vice-Chancellor (interim) commented:

“I felt incredibly proud of our staff and students as I walked around the event on Saturday. The reaction from visitors I spoke to was fantastic – unfailingly positive and complimentary to the University and our people. This event was a great showcase for the quality and breadth of research that is carried out across our University and I was incredibly impressed by the creativity of our staff and students in presenting difficult concepts in entertaining and engaging ways.

“I would like to express an enormous thank you to everyone who gave their time to make the Science and Engineering Day, and the Festival as a whole, the success that it has been. It has never been more important to engage the next generations of children in thinking about science and research and to allow adults (and voters and taxpayers) to understand how research matters and relates to their daily lives. Particular thanks and admiration to the organising team who delivered a brilliant, large-scale event which went so well, even with the pressures of last-minute adaptations to respond to concerns about the weather. A superb team effort by our community – congratulations to everyone involved.”

Keep an eye on SUSSED News where we will be sharing a gallery of images from the event later this week.

Here are a few of our favourite tweets from the day:

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