The University of Southampton

Researchers and editors invited to join open access initiative talk

Plan S is an initiative from cOAlition S to achieve full and immediate open access for publicly funded research publications by January 2020.

Join the Plan S Editors Symposium and Panel Event on Thursday 25 April for a talk on the initiative, followed by a Q&A session.

Time: 12:3016:30

Location: Nuffield Theatre, Lecture Theatre A

Book your tickets for the free event here.

cOAlition S poster

The UK funding bodies Wellcome, NIHR and those comprising UKRI (formerly RCUK) support Plan S and UKRI will implement a new open access policy in respect of the 10 principles of Plan S.

The purpose of the event is to inform and stimulate debate around Plan S. We have invited key stakeholders to talk on:

  • Open access publishing business models
  • Digital scholarship
  • Managing change for journal editors

Who is this event for?

Anyone who:

  • is an academic editor
  • writes and publishes articles
  • is a member of a learned society which publishes
  • receives funding from a funding body or charity under UKRI and COAF (Charities Open Access Fund is managed by Wellcome)

Our University has provided feedback to a consultation on the draft guidance on the implementation of Plan S, which you can read here.

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