The University of Southampton

We’ve placed 12th in new University Impact Rankings

We are proud to have rated highly in a new ranking system that captures universities’ impact on society and success in delivering the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

We ranked 12th overall in the University Impact Rankings compiled and published by Times Higher Education (THE). THE used data submitted by 462 universities to assess their performance against 11 of the 17 SDGs to demonstrate the impact universities have on society and communities, beyond core teaching and research activities.

We ranked in the top 10 for ‘Decent Work and Economic Growth’, measuring universities’ employment practices and for ‘Climate Action’ focused on energy usage and preparations for dealing with the consequences of climate change. Our work in sustainable approaches to resources, from ethical sourcing of food, to waste disposals was also recognised with a high ranking for ‘Responsible Consumption and Production’.

Winnie Eley, Vice-President (International) said:

“We’re very pleased that the many excellent contributions of our staff, and students, in making a positive impact on the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals has been recognised by Times Higher Education. Placing 12th in this inaugural impact ranking is very encouraging,

“A global civic university like Southampton is well-placed to make lasting impacts locally, nationally and internationally through globally-relevant research, international partnerships, engagement, and practical day-to-day activities on our campuses and in our communities here in the South of England.”

Read the full story here.

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