The University of Southampton

Budget holder responsibilities

Following a major project to update our Financial Regulations and Finance Policies, budget holders are advised to be aware of the following:

  • Budget approval is the first stage of the approval process. Budget holders must check that expenditure is appropriate, that adequate funding is in place and that expenditure adheres to Financial Regulations, Policies and Procedures.
  • For paper forms the budget holder must also check that the claimant/originator of the form has provided all of the relevant information, including signing their declaration.
  • When signing as the budget holder, or approving in Business World (Agresso), you are confirming that you have made these checks.
  • Budget holders must not support spend that is not in line with Financial Regulations, Policies and Procedures. For example, they must not approve expenses which are higher than the maximum limits set out in the procedures or contain non-compliant items.
  • Budget holders are reminded there may be times they are not available to approve payments, e.g. annual leave. In preparation for this a substitute should be set up.

Please use the links below to find out more about:

If you have any queries relating to the Financial Regulations or Finance Policies, please contact your Faculty Finance Team or your Professional Services Finance Team.

Previous SUSSED posts on our Financial Regulations and Finance Policies:

New policies for Procurement, Purchasing and Payments

Changes to Finance Policy that will affect staff and students

Travelling overseas

Claiming expenses whilst on University business

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